Jaber Masud



👋 Hey there, I'm Jaber Masud (Bhuiyan), A Full-stack Web Developer with a strong focus on Backend Development, particularly with Laravel. 💻

🌐 With 5 years of experience in the web development landscape, I've channeled my passion into crafting robust, scalable, and high-performance web applications. Laravel is my go-to framework for building powerful backend systems.

💡 I'm well-versed in the intricacies of Laravel, PHP, and server-side development. From architecting databases and creating RESTful APIs to implementing authentication and optimizing server performance, I've got your backend needs covered.

🔧 While I thrive in the backend realm, I also have a keen eye for frontend technologies such as HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript and Vue.JS . This full-stack perspective enables me to bridge the gap between server and user interface, ensuring a cohesive and seamless user experience.

🚀 Whether it's designing complex database structures, securing your application's data, or implementing efficient API endpoints, I'm here to empower your web project with a rock-solid backend foundation.

📞 Let's collaborate to bring your web application vision to life. Reach out to me at njb99m@gmail.com or connect with me on “https://facebook.com/masud9900" , "https://linkedin.com/in/masud9900" or "https://github.com/njbm" , and let's build a backend that's as exceptional as your frontend!

Web Designer & Developer.

Since 2017--

  • Degree: B.Sc.
  • City: Uttara, Dhaka
  • Freelance: Available

Experienced with all stages of the basic computer knowledge. Well-versed in numerous programming languages including HTML, CSS, PHP, OOP, LARAVEL, MySql. Strong background in project management and client relation.


I have worked on over 50 projects.

Happy Clients consequuntur quae

Projects adipisci atque cum quia aut

Hours Of Support aut commodi quaerat

Hard Workers rerum asperiores dolor


More than 5 years of experience...

HTML 100%
CSS 90%
JavaScript 75%
Photoshop 55%
PHP 80%
Laravel 90%
WordPress/CMS 80%
Elementor 85%


Experienced with all stages of the basic computer knowledge. Well-versed in numerous programming languages including HTML, CSS, PHP, OOP, LARAVEL, MySql. Strong background in project management and client relation.


Jaber Masud

Innovative and deadline-driven Web Developer with 5+ years of experience designing and developing user-friendly web application from initial concept to final, polished deliverable.


Bachelor of Computer Science & Engineering

2020 - 2024

Northern University Bangladesh

A Registered, Non-political, Non-profit Voluntary Organization, NUB made its foray in to the field of higher education and established itself as a center for excellence.

Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering

2016 - 2020

Feni Polytechnic Institute, Bangladesh.

A Government Technical Educational Institution In Feni, Bangladesh.

Professional Experience

PHP & Laravel Developer

2023 - Present

Bug Finder, Uttara, Dhaka.

  • Envato CodeCanyon Software Development
  • Developing Project from initial concept to final, polished deliverable

Senior Web design & Developer

2021 - 2023

Knowledge IT Institute, Uttara, Dhaka.

  • Lead in the design, development, and implementation of the Web, layout, and production communication materials
  • Trainer Web Design & Web Development

Web design specialist

2017 - 2018

Skill Base Information Technology, Feni, Bangladesh.

  • Trainer Web Design.
  • Created 4+ design presentations and proposals a month.


Here are some of my projects. And such projects in which I am involved.

  • All
  • Web
  • App
  • Card


I provide a wide range of services.

Responsive Web Design

The benefits of responsive design include improved user experience, increased mobile traffic, reduced development time and cost, and improved search engine optimization. By optimizing a website for different devices and screen sizes, responsive design ensures that visitors can access and interact with the site's content from anywhere and on any device.

Laravel Development

One of the key benefits of Laravel is its robust and intuitive documentation, making it easy to learn and use. It also has a vast and active community of developers who regularly contribute to the framework and offer support to others.

Wordpress/CMS Website

WordPress is a popular open-source content management system (CMS) used for building websites, blogs, and online stores. It was originally designed as a blogging platform, but over the years, it has evolved into a powerful CMS used by millions of websites around the world.

Full Stack Development

Full stack development is the development of complete web applications, including both front-end and back-end components, and full-stack developers are responsible for all aspects of the application's design, development, and deployment. Full stack development is a valuable skill for developers who want to build comprehensive and scalable web applications.

Elementor Website

Elementor is a powerful website builder for WordPress that allows users to create custom websites without any coding knowledge. With its visual interface and drag-and-drop editor, users can easily design and customize their website, with a range of templates and widgets available to choose from.

Grapich Design

Graphic design is an essential part of many industries, including advertising, marketing, publishing, and more. Good graphic design can help businesses and organizations communicate their message effectively and stand out from their competition.


Contact with me in any time.


Uttara Sector11, Dhaka, Bangladesh


+880 1871-344252

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